• Getting Started


This section teaches you how to listen to payment events that happen on your CoinForBarter account.

What is a Webhook?

At CoinForBarter, webhooks are a very important part of our payment process. We trigger events that your account can listen to whenever payment transaction actions occur on your CoinForBarter integration. This is where webhooks come in.

We use webhooks to communicate with different services. Primarily we use webhooks to share information about an event that happened on your account with you. These events could range from a successful transaction to a failed transaction.

A webhook is a URL on your server which is specified to receive details about an event that occurred on your CoinForBarter account. The event details we send to you contain information about that particular event, including the type of event that occurred and the data associated with it.

This is very useful for events like:

  • Getting paid where the transaction is completed outside your application
  • Recurring billing where an API call is not needed for subsequent billings

With CoinForBarter, you can set up webhooks that would let us notify you anytime events happen on your account.

Here are some instance we can call your webhook:

  • A user on a subscription is charged
  • A customer completes a payment
  • We update a pending payment to successful, e.t.c

When to use Webhooks

You might also use webhooks to:

  • Update a customer's membership record in your database when a subscription payment succeeds
  • Email a customer when a subscription payment fails
  • Update your database when the status of a pending payment is updated to successful


Don't rely entirely on webhooks! Not in all cases would you be able to rely completely on webhooks to get notified, an example is if your server is experiencing a downtime and your hook endpoints are affected, some customers might still be transacting and the hook calls triggered would fail because your server was unreachable. We will call your webhook every 5 mins 20 times until we get an Ok Status In such cases we advise that developers set up a re-query service that goes to poll for the transaction status at regular intervals e.g. every hour using the Verify transaction endpoint, till a successful or failed response is returned.


For every hook call you get, you should endeavour to validate your secret hash before using the information sent via webhooks. This is to ensure that the data returned has not been compromised in any way before giving value.

Webhook Responses on CoinForBarter

Webhooks can be configured for all transactions. When a transaction is completed, a POST HTTP request is sent to the webhook URL you have configured. The response may differ depending on the kind of transaction carried out.

The structure for a webhook is as follows

    "secretHash": "{{secretHash}}",
    "type": "payment-received",
    "data": {}


secretHash: This secret hash is gotten and set from your dashboard

type: The type of webhook being sent

The types of webhooks are
  • payment-received
  • payment-ended
  • payout-successful
  • transaction-successful
  • wallet-received

data: The information being sent by the webhook

The structure is consistent for all payment types, with the last object in the response presenting details about the particular payment type used for payments.

How to Setup Webhooks on your Dashboard

You have to have a CoinForBarter account before the setup. Follow the steps to setup webhooks on your dashboard; Dashboard -> Settings -> Webhooks.

  • Add your webhook URL
  • Add your secret hash
  • Save your settings

alt text for screen readers

Receiving a Webhook Notification

Creating a webhook endpoint on your server is no different from creating any page on your website. With PHP, you might create a new .php file on your server; with a framework like Laravel, Flask, Sinatra, you would add a new route with the desired webhook URL.

Hook data is sent as JSON.


To checkout webhook signatures. You can use a secret hash to verify that the requests you received were sent by CoinForBarter.

Webhook Server Implementations

// This example uses Express to receive webhooks
const app = require("express");
app.post("/my/webhook/url", function (request, response) {
  /* It is a good idea to log all events received. Add code *
   * here to log the signature and body to db or file       */
  // retrieve the signature from the header
  var hash = req.headers["Authorization"];
  if (!hash) {
    // discard the request,only a post with the right CoinForBarter signature header gets our attention
  // Get signature stored as an env variable on your server
  const secret_hash = process.env.MY_HASH;
  // check if signatures match
  if (hash !== secret_hash) {
    // silently exit, or check that you are passing the right hash on your server.
// Retrieve the request's body
var request_json = request.body;
// Give value to your customer but don't give any output
// Remember that this is a call from CoinForBarter's servers and
// Your customer is not seeing the response here at all

// Retrieve the request's body
$body = @file_get_contents("php://input");
// retrieve the signature sent in the request headers.
$signature = (isset($_SERVER['Authorization']) ? $_SERVER['Authorization'] : '');
/* It is a good idea to log all events received. Add code *
* here to log the signature and body to db or file       */
if (!$signature) {
      // only a post signature header gets our attention
// Store the same signature on your server as an env variable and check against what was sent in the headers
$local_signature = getenv('SECRET_HASH');
// confirm the event's signature
if ($signature !== $local_signature) {
      // silently forget this ever happened
http_response_code(200); // PHP 5.4 or greater
// parse event (which is json string) as object
// Give value to your customer but don't give any output
// Remember that this is a call from rave's servers and 
// Your customer is not seeing the response here at all
$response = json_decode($body);
if ($response->status == 'successful') {
      # code...
      // TIP: you may still verify the transaction
      // before giving value.

Verifying Webhook Signature (Secret Hash)

CoinForBarter returns the secret hash configured in your settings as part of your request headers with the key verify-hash. You can store the same secret hash as an environment variable and check if it is the same value sent in the verify-hash property before processing the webhook request. If they are not the same, you can discard the request.

Here is how to do it: alt text for screen readers

Best Practices

If your webhook script performs complex logic or makes network calls, it's possible that the script would time out before CoinForBarter sees its complete execution. For that reason, you might want to have your webhook endpoint immediately acknowledge receipt by returning a 200 HTTP status code, and then perform the rest of its duties.

Webhook endpoints might occasionally receive the same event more than once. We advise you to guard against duplicated event receipts by making your event processing idempotent. One way of doing this is logging the events you've processed, and then checking if the status has changed before processing the identical event. Additionally, we recommend verifying webhook signatures to confirm that received events are being sent from CoinForBarter.

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